Jeremy Pettitt on Communication and Culture

Effective Project Meetings

Posted on November 23, 2020

Effective Project Meetings focus on a specific project as the need arises.

Each meeting should remain focused on one project - do not get off task by discussing unrelated issues or opportunities!

Project meetings should include all of the necessary personnel...but no more. Do not invite every possible person as too many people create ineffective environments for dialogue and problem solving.

The Project Owner/Leader should...

- Schedule and run the meeting

- Clarify the purpose and expectations for everyone at the beginning of the meeting

- Present the opportunity and/or problem on which this group needs to work

- Discuss solutions with the team members who are present

- Clarify contingencies for ongoing progress of the project (including clear next steps)

As often as possible, stay within the time allocated.
RECOMMENDATION: Try 50 minute meetings (instead of an hour).

Any miscellaneous updates or ideas not related to the immediate project meeting should be pushed to either the team update meeting or another focused project meeting.

UP NEXT: Effective Team Communication Schedule

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